Academic Literature


An online literature research based on 2014 Presidential Election in Turkey

MAIN MENU: Welcome | International | Local | The Final Insight

The aim of this collective research is to identify and archive the reflections of elections inside the internet and on social media. These include;

  • News and columns
  • Relevant academic research
  • Online tools
  • Collectives and groups
  • Evaluation and assessment publications

The research is run under 3 titles;

1) THE INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE which contains the data from the world.

(Eg. MIDDLE EAST; political campaigning in general, instead of focusing on elections. ASIA; particularly India elections. US; Howard Dean campaign, last presidential election, open data usage, lobbying activities. EUROPE; European Parliament elections, Pirate Party activities, early activists like Lovink. AFRICA: Ushahidi, cell phone usage.)

2) THE LOCAL PERSPECTIVE which contains the data from Turkey.

(Eg. Recent local elections, Gezi literature, is electronic voting suitable for Turkey, what more could have been done for an honest election.)

3) THE 2014 INSIGHT which merges together all data and aims to create an insight for the 2014 Presidential Election in Turkey.

The content tree of this project is as follows;


- Welcome: This current welcome page.

- International: The International Perspective Welcome page.

------ World General: The general content that covers all the world.

------ Middle East: The content from Middle East.

------ Europe: The content from Europe.

------ America: The content from Americas.

------ Africa: The content from Africa.

------ Asia: The content from Asia.

------ Oceania: The content from Oceania.

- Local: The Local Perspective Welcome page.

------ Local News: The content from news sources.

------ Local Academics: The content from academic sources.

------ Local Sources: Evaluative publications, online tools and collectives.

------ Local Visuals: Videos, photos, and other visual sources.

- The Final Insight: The final conclusions of this study.